Latecoere opens its 4.0 plant in Toulouse-Montredon!

L'usine du futur de Latecoere
May 22nd, 2018: Latecoere opens a 6,000 m2 digital plant in Toulouse-Montredon
L'usine du futur de Latecoere
The plant is connected, digitalized and automated
L'usine du futur de Latecoere
The smart factory enables the Group to reintegrate some of the manufacturing of aluminum elementary parts
Yannick Assouad CEO Latecoere
“As the Group got back to profitability it can now invest and look to the future” Yannick Assouad
Latecoere inaugure son usine 4.0 à Toulouse-Montredon avec Carole Delga et Jean-Luc Moudenc
This 4.0 plant is part is a French Fab partner
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The future of the industry is already here! On 22nd May 2018, Latecoere unveiled its 4.0 plant accompanied by customers, partners and employees. Numerous officials were also present. An innovative project supported by Europe, allowing the historical aerospace player to maximize its competitiveness!

A 4.0 plant turned towards the future and productivity

The sky was almost as blue as the building casing when enthusiastic guests arrived to the 6,000 m2 production site, built in 8 months record time on a 4 hectares field. During the guided tour across the workstations, Latecoere executives explained how this smart factory enables the Group to reintegrate some of the manufacturing of aluminum elementary parts, which are key to produce aircraft doors for Dassault, Embraer, Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, etc.

“Our goal is to produce up to 500,000 parts a year, which represents 1 part per minute.” Richard Montanel, Director of the factory in Toulouse-Montredon

The plant is connected, digitalized and automated. Each machine can function independently for 18 hours: “We must be able to produce 24/24 in order to reduce production cycles from 3 months to 3 weeks”, explains Jean-Michel Tremoulet, Latecoere’s Director of Industrial Strategy.

The smart factory is in line with the “Transformation 2020” plan, which aims at solving industrial, commercial and strategic issues within the Group.

“As the Group got back to profitability it can now invest and look to the future. We must be competitive on our markets by reducing costs for our customers.” Yannick Assouad

The future of the industry is already here!

Over the tour, guests had the opportunity to watch the ballet of autonomous robots going from one workstation to another. This is part of what makes it possible for Latecoere to anticipate the future of the industry while remaining true to values such as boldness, excellence and engagement: RFID (radio frequency identification), Internet of Things, robots, automated devices…

Thanks to partners Dassault 3D Systems and Visiativ, visitors could also experience the virtual model of the plant in 2020. With a new extension of 3,000 m2 and new equipment, it will take on surface treatment activities.

This daring project has already paid off: the 4.0 plant has already been labeled « Vitrine de l’Industrie du Futur” by the Alliance Industrie du Futur, and also partnered with the French Fab. A recognition makes the future even brighter.

A project rooted in Toulouse… and supported by Europe

“We don’t forget our Toulouse history” declared Yannick Assouad. It is commitment and willpower shared with Toulouse Métropole and Région Occitanie that allowed this 4.0 plant to see the light of day. “I am proud that the 1st historic aircraft manufacturer remains faithfull to Toulouse. Latecoere confirms our attractivity strategy and puts our city forward as a worldwide aerospace capital” congratulated Jean-Luc Moudenc. Carole Delga recognized “the exemplary nature of Latecoere in using innovative solutions”.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) also supported the project with an investment of €37M. Ambroise Fayolle, Vice-President of the EIB, said: “Today, the European Investment Bank is very proud to help Latecoere’s ambitious industrial project in this particularly dynamic region”.

The EIB’s financing will also be used to support R&D and innovation activities to improve Latecoere’s competitiveness and industrial excellence.


Next to Yannick Assouad, CEO Latecoere, and employees: Carole Delga, President of Région Occitanie and Jean-Luc Moudenc, Maire of Toulouse and President of Toulouse Métropole.

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