4 April 2019 News

LiFi redefines the way passengers will access and send data

Latecoere is a pioneer in the use of LiFi in aeronautics.

At Aircraft Interiors Exhibition (April 2-4), Latecoere revealed its pioneer strategy towards LiFi and redefined the way passengers will access and send data while flying at 30K feet.


Passengers need secured and safe connection to all kind of IFE content while the need for larger flows is becoming the standard for the whole cabin crew and PAX. Therefore, Latecoere has developed a simple resilient and cost-efficient infrastructure solution which allows content providers and IFEC suppliers to optimize on-board connectivity. This LiFi infrastructure will allow a simple and fast installation solution, both for linefit and retrofit A/C installation. For one single seat, both uplink and downlink data rates will be provided through a dedicated optical fiber in order not to affect existing passenger service units equipment.


Yannick Assouad, CEO of Latecoere, says: “With LiFi’s development, Latecoere is at the forefront of innovative thought and equipment design in the In-Flight connectivity. By always developing new innovative technologies, we support our clients’ ambitions and tackle future aerospace challenges. We are convinced that optical technologies are important to A/C data transmission and are a technological and weight-saving answer to copper. This clearly represents a competitive lever for us and underlines our strong commitment to R&T and innovation”.


In a nutshell:

▪ LiFi is healthy: Suppress the “microwave” effect of the WIFI (microwave sensitivity) and the electro-magnetic disruptions in the cabin

▪ LiFi is fast: Exchange multimedia data at very high speed for each passenger

▪ LiFi is secure: Exchange data in a private capsule with high level of security for each passenger

▪ LiFi is light: Reduce the weight of embedded wiring (no more distribution box under the seats)

▪ LiFi is easy: Remove “copper” wires and replace it by optical fibers for cabin data exchange

▪ LiFi is simple: Provide an infrastructure that simplifies evolutions and modifications


At Paris Air Show in June, Latecoere will showcase a full-LiFi aircraft cabin.

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