Promote Sustainable Production

True to its purpose of serving aerospace with innovative solutions for a sustainable world, Latecoere implements a sustainability policy, which includes commitments corresponding to eleven of the UN’s seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. 

This comprehensive approach reinforces the natural inclination of the Group’s sites to initiate local actions that benefit their employees and communities. It opens up opportunities and allocates resources to strengthen Latecoere’s social responsibility within its ecosystem.

Under the aegis of the Board of Directors, operational governance has been put in place at each level of the Company to ensure the implementation of targeted actions.

The three pillars of our action

The implementation of our sustainability policy is organised around three pillars that contribute to a positive impact on society:

SOCIAL – Be a responsible employer

1. Respect and promote human rights and social dialogue
2. Prioritise Health & Safety
3. Encourage diversity & equality
4. Attract and retain talents
5. Develop employees’ skills

SOCIETAL – Contribute to society and to our communities

1. Connect and help communities
2. Commit to impeccable business ethics
3. Ensure high standards of governance to meet expectations of our key stakeholders

ENVIRONMENTAL – Promote sustainable production

1. Certify our factories according to the environmental standards set by ISO 14001
2. Participate in mitigating climate change by measuring and better managing our CO2 emissions
3. Develop innovative products which mitigate environmental impact
4. Contribute to biodiversity protection
5. Play a role in the circular economy and limit our environmental impacts

A collective ambition for progress

The major challenge is decarbonised aviation. The sector is fully mobilised, reflecting the actions carried out by the members of Gifas, our professional federation. Latecoere is part of this movement. Our teams are working on composite structures and on-board fibre optic applications with a view to improving aircraft performance and reducing the weight of aircraft. In 2021, we also joined the SpacEarth initiative which brings together the French space industry with the aim of positioning space at the service of life on Earth. Lastly, Latecoere has always been in step with the times, a responsible player able to support society’s changes in each era. As such, we recently committed to supporting the ten principles of the United Nations’ Global Compact concerning respect for human rights, international labour standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption. And we are giving concrete expression to this strong commitment through the “Sustainability” roadmap that we are implementing.

– CEO Office






“I see the Group as a flagship for the environmental challenge. The shift has begun in our sector and Latecoere can contribute greatly by once again being a pioneer.”

Program Manager, Laval, Canada




“The diversity of a team contributes greatly to its performance, whether in terms of age, background, gender or personal experiences. We must break down the barriers and misconceptions that persist.”

R&T Program Manager, Toulouse, France




Zero accidents must become our standard and everyone within the company is committed to contributing to this achievement in the long term.”

HSE Coordinator, Toulouse, France




“Aviation has brought speed, safety and comfort to the transportation sector. It brings together cities and people who could not connect without it.”

Shruti NAIK
Quality Inspector, Belagavi, India




“Our role is to anticipate the challenges of tomorrow, in connection with the health crisis and beyond with environmental issues, even when this requires reconsideration.”

Procurement Officer, Plovdiv, Bulgaria




“The transmission of know-how is the most rewarding part of my job. I like to help my colleagues to learn new skills.”

Chaimaa SABRU
Process Trainer, Had Soualem, Morocco




“The pandemic has accelerated the evolution of the workplace and represents an opportunity to foster positive change and encourage diversity in our industry.”

Method, Metrology & Tooling Manager, Querétaro, Mexico




“Our employees are keen to support positive actions and contribute to the development of society.”

HR Manager, Prague, Czech Republic


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